Meet Gina Luttrell
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To describe a personality in... a page, two pages, three... is much like trying to condense a four hundred page novel into one single solitary sheet of 11 by 8.5 inch piece of paper. It's hard. Unfortunately, as a writer that is something I find myself having to do quite often, so, condensing my personality into a blurb short enough for the average reader not to get bored with is good practice.

So, let's start out with the basics. I'm seventeen years old as of 2006 and I am heading into my senior year of high school. I feel as if the world is at my feet. I find that this little-known fact does quite a bit to tell just the very essence of my personality. I am an ambitious, goal-oriented person, and I refuse to fail.

Although I could go on about the deeper aspects of my personality, the above will be enough for now. As was stated on the "Annie Codwell" page, this part of myself contains all other aspects aside from writing. Those include: Astronomy, photography, computers, web design(the practical output you see before you), reading, music, movies, science, politics, etc. Some of these "key elements" in my life will be highlighted individually by their own page, the links shown directly to the left of this box. I will also include links to(all three of) my blogs and a short autobiography.

So, while this short statement probably wasn't the best at describing my personality to you, hopefully the subsequent pages that you visit while you are here will give you a better idea of who I am. As always, the floating box will stay with you. Happy reading!


Political Beliefs





The Blogs

My Xanga

My Myspace

My Blogger



[Annie Codwell]


