More on Annie Codwell
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The Basics
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Born sometime in the year 2000

Currently residing in: Snellville, Georgia.

First story ever written: "The Dance"

Genres writing: All, except romance. Longer pieces are fantasy and Young Adult fiction. Smaller pieces are often mainstream and personal narritaves. Some poetry.

Some important traits: introverted, likes to spend time reading or on the computer. Idealistic, believes in the good of man/witch/sorcerer/vampire.
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Miniature Biography

I technically started writing in the first grade, when most of the writing assignments back then were creative stories(oh, how I miss that). Even though I won a short-story contest on the county level, I never considered taking up writing as a hobby or even a lifestyle until I hit the sixth grade.

I entered Shiloh Middle School under the direction of a man named Dr. Fryman, who taught both Social Studies and Language Arts. He had us turn in writing assignments and he would rave that my writing was better than some college freshmen he'd read. Now, keep in mind he was an anthropology teacher, but it proved to be just the push I needed. I started jotting down all the little ideas that came into my head, pumping out my first 20+ page story called “The Dance.”

I knew at that point that I wanted writing to be a part of my life from then on. One summer day in the midst of the summer of 2000, I thought it would be appropriate to think of a writing name for myself. The first name that came to my mind was Annie, a girl who my cousin was in DisneyWorld with. The second name simply came to me; call it divine intervention or whatever you wish, but Codwell (not Caldwell, notice)popped into my head and never went away. And thus, Annie Codwell was born.
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For more information...
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What are you looking for? If you want information about the writing process, or perhaps grammar-related things, it's going to be your best bet to click on the "writing" link. For information on Sword with a Destiny, or any of the Vampire's Revolt series, click on the "Ryelle" link.

The following links are old, nonpublishable writings that are here just for your enjoyment.

A Paintbrush --Mainstream Fiction

Prelude to a Jail Setntence--Fiction

Stem Cell Stickler--Perusasive Essay

The Girl Who Had Nothing--Science Fiction

The Only One Who Knows--Mainstream Fiction.

To view the titles of some of my finer works that have had the priviledge of being published, see here.



[Gina Luttrell]


